World’s Finest Chocolate
Selling Information
PRODUCT: Chocolate Bars
Join our Talking Points (UBPC Fundraising (Code: 6WBM26))
Sales price: $2.00 per bar
30 bars per case checked out
Cases contain five chocolate bar flavors: Milk, Dark, Almond, Carmel, Crisp
Profit: $0.45 per bar sold ($27.00 per case sold)
UBPC will issue credit for ONE box per student
Additional boxes can be checked out by paying for them at checkout
Checking Out Chocolate to Sell - Two Options
Students/Parents may check out ONE box when UBPC Fundraising is open for business during resource times. Exact dates / times / locations are communicated via text communications via Talking Points.
Students/Parents may pre-order ONE box for the student to pick up in band class. Chocolate is distributed to students in band class on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Please note that requests made less than 24 hours before distribution may need to wait until the following week.
Turning In Money
Return $60 in the envelopes provided when ALL chocolate in the box is sold, or within 30 days of check-out.
You may not check out additional chocolate until you have paid for the previous box.
The student's CHARMS account will be credited with $27 for every case sold. This profit may be applied towards band student fees or trip payments.
Payments can be placed in the Safe at one of the following facilities:
Union High School Band Office
U6/7 Center Band Office
U8 Center Band Office
Payments can be turned in at a High School Resource Night
Sign up for Fundraising Talking Points for more information
Fundraising does business just before and just after the meetings, never during.
Paid via Credit Card into your student’s Charms miscellaneous ledger (please indicated “WFC Fundraising” in the Description)
The following are NOT options for turning in money
NO COINS in payment envelopes. Please pay with cash or check only.
We can not make CHANGE.
Teachers can NOT take your payment envelope. All payments must be turned in securely to a band safe or paid by one of the other options above.
UBPC does not accept product returns for chocolate.
Students may not sell chocolate on school grounds during school hours.
Only one box may be checked out at a time. Payment must be received prior to checking out more product.
Payment is expected within 30 days.