OneOK Field Work Opportunities - Drillers and Roughnecks — Union Bands

OneOK Field Work Opportunities

We are privileged to be able to fundraise by volunteering to work the events at OneOK Field: Drillers baseball and FC Tulsa soccer games. UBPC has earned an excellent reputation with the management there because of our reliability, flexibility, responsibility, excellent attitude, and customer service to the patrons of the events held at OneOK.

Please note that participation in any fundraising event is done at your own risk. Union Band Parents Club, Inc. is not liable for any injury or illness of any kind that you may incur as a result of working any volunteer fundraising or non-fundraising events. Families must choose for themselves whether or not they feel safe to work any fundraising or non-fundraising event opportunity.



All Union Band/Guard Student Workers must be active participants in the 6th-12th grade program. Middle School students must have a parent working with them. Exceptions must be pre-approved by a Drillers Coordinator. Minor Indemnity & Release must be co-signed by a parent or guardian for all workers under the age of eighteen (18).


Arrive on time, stay for the required amount of time and behave appropriately.

You should make every effort to provide adequate notification to the Drillers Coordinator (at least 24 hours prior to event report time) if you will not be able to fulfill your commitment. You should also attempt to find someone on the call list to take your spot. If there is no one available on the On Call list to take your spot, YOU are REQUIRED to find your own replacement.

Follow-through on your commitment to work is vital. When Drillers Coordinators cannot provide the full number of required workers, the Drillers/Roughnecks may reduce all wages to half-pay for all volunteers for that shift. The following actions are unacceptable:

  • Being a no-show for a committed event Failing to provide adequate notification (24 hours), except in emergency situations

  • Exhibiting any behavior that results in other workers receiving less pay

  • Exhibiting any behavior that may jeopardize Union Band’s reputation

UBPC reserves the right to impose the following consequences for failure to meet the above expectations:

  • Ineligible for other Drillers/Roughnecks and other Offsite work opportunities for a period of one month.

  • Permanent ineligibility to work any Drillers, Offsite, or Concession fundraising opportunities.

  • Deduction to your student’s ledger by the amount necessary to replace loss of potential income to other Union Band workers.


  • Solid white, polo-style, collared shirt (no designs, emblems or insignias on shirt).

  • Khaki shorts (mid-thigh to knee length, no short shorts), pants or capris.

  • Closed toe shoes (no flip flops)

  • Drillers ball cap or Union ball cap. If you don’t have a Drillers ball cap, one will be provided to you for a one-time $7 fee to be withheld from your first night’s pay. The hat will then be yours to wear at all other times you work Drillers/Roughnecks.

Official Requirements



    • Required for all workers

    • FREE of charge

    • available online


    • Required for students under 18 years of age

    • Please print the form, sign, and bring to the first game of the season that you work. It will be kept on file until the end of the season.

    • Click here to download



    • Required for all workers

    • FREE of charge

    • available online


    • Required for Adults over 18 years of age

    • Please print the form, sign, and bring to the first game of the season that you work. It will be kept on file until the end of the season.

    • Click here to download


    • Required for all Adult Workers

    • $7.95 fee

    • Two-hour course

    • Online course

      • Click ‘Add Course’ check box on the first line ‘Oklahoma Alcohol Server/Seller Training’

      • Click blue Add to Cart button

      • Click blue Continue button

      • Complete Registration form and payment


    • Required for all Adult Workers

    • $34.68 Fee

    • Apply Online | Oklahoma ABLE Licensure Service

      • Create an account

      • Select the option “Alcohol Beverage – Employee”


After completing the requirements above, print the certificates and keep them with you anytime you work an event. You will not be allowed to work if you do not have a copy with you. E-mail a copy of your certificate to

Drillers/OneOK Field Signups

Every person who works is required to have a Signup Genius account to sign up for Driller work slots. All notifications for when a signup goes live will be send via REMIND (see Notifications section).

  • BEFORE you sign up, please get out your calendar. By signing up for a game, you are committing to be there and to work where you are most needed as determined by our coordinators. Two weeks before the game, you will get a confirmation email asking you if you need to update your signup for any reason. At this point, you are making a final commitment to work the game! (Have you ACTUALLY checked your calendar? Is the game ON your calendar? If so, it's now the priority in your life for that day !) After this point, you may not cancel without penalty. Cancellations will be met with consequences as outlined in our Drillers Work Policy at One week before the game, the numbers are finalized by Drillers and you will receive a confirmation email and receive your assigned work spot.

  • On occasion, we will have more people signed up to work than we need. We are working with Drillers to get everyone a work slot, but please know that even if you are not assigned a position the week before, you must remain ON CALL and immediately available should there be a cancellation. Failure to do so will result in removal from future events.




Please note that REMIND is the primary way of receiving information about Drillers/Roughnecks work opportunities.  If you don’t sign up, you will not receive information. To subscribe, simply text @ubpc-drill to 81010. Subscribe by email by sending a message to

Notifications for Signup Genius and for stand-by worker call-outs will be sent by REMIND.


Drillers/OneOK Directors |


Bill Hemm | (918) 260-9511 (text only, please)



  • OneOK Field is located at 215 S Elgin, Tulsa OK Please park in the OSU Tulsa parking lot on Elgin just west of OneOK Field. (The lot is next to Mt. Zion Baptist Church).

  • You will need to walk back under the underpass to the employee (black security) gate, tell them you are a volunteer worker with UNION BANDS and have them direct you to the 1st Base Concession Stand to check in with the Drillers Coordinator.


Drillers have some sophisticated weather tracking equipment. If they know bad weather is coming, they MAY ask us to REDUCE the number of volunteers. We first do this by sending a Remind for voluntary cuts. Then if we still have to cut, we use the log stamp on signup genius and cut the last ones added. We give preference to students in the Renegade Regiment and Guard.

Example: We have a game with a call time of 5pm. Here is how the pay works for rainouts:

  • If the game is canceled (called) before 4pm with a 5pm call time, we get $0, nada, zippo, nuthin’. The game will usually be called between 4p & 5p.

  • If the game is called between 5p and 7p, then we get $10.

  • If the game is called at 7pm, we get $20.

  • If the game is called at 8pm or thereafter, we get paid in full.

  • We are always expected to stay until the game ends, unless your stand manager decides otherwise.


  • Games start an hour earlier than regular.

  • These events get paid an extra $10.

  • It consists of two games back to back, each game with 7 innings.


We are under contract with Drillers for contributions to our program based on our volunteerism to work their events. Student accounts will be credited based agreed upon rate schedule determined by stand, day, time, shifts worked for each event. Each event may contribute different amounts to your account. See your volunteer coordinator for specifics. We make every effort to report expected worker contributions to student accounts within one week of the end of a home stand.

EXPO/BOK and Other Offsite Opportunities

Please note that participation in any fundraising event is done at your own risk. Union Band Parents Club, Inc. is not liable for any injury or illness of any kind that you may incur as a result of working any volunteer fundraising or non-fundraising events. Families must choose for themselves whether or not they feel safe to work any fundraising or non-fundraising event opportunity. Masks are required while volunteering at any opportunity offered by Drillers/ONEOK Field, Tuttle Concessions, or any Offsite Vendor Location. You are responsible to bring your own mask along with any other required uniform items as noted in the event details.

Union Bands offers several opportunities to earn money for your student’s band account.  Additional offsite work opportunities that come up each year include:

Current Opportunities

Official Requirements



  • Required for all workers

  • FREE of charge

  • available online



    • Required for all workers

    • FREE of charge

    • available online


    • Required for all Adult Workers

    • $7.95 fee

    • Two-hour course

    • Online course

      • Click ‘Add Course’ check box on the first line ‘Oklahoma Alcohol Server/Seller Training’

      • Click blue Add to Cart button

      • Click blue Continue button

      • Complete Registration form and payment


    • Required for all Adult Workers

    • $34.68 Fee

    • Apply online | Oklahoma ABLE Licensure Service

      • Create an account

      • Select the option “Alcohol Beverage – Employee”


After completing the requirements above, print the certificates and keep them with you anytime you work an event. You will not be allowed to work if you do not have a copy with you. E-mail a copy of your certificate to

Dress Codes

  • EXPO/STATE FAIR: Gray Union Volunteer Shirt (contact the coordinator if you do not have one), Black pants, Closed toe Shoes

  • PALEN MUSIC: Palen Music Shirt (provided by Palen Music), Khaki pants or capris, Closed toe shoes

  • BOK CENTER: Black slacks, White polo shirt, Closed toe shoes

  • CATERING: Black slacks, Black Button Down Dress Shirt, Black Neck Tie, Black closed toe shoes

BOK Volunteer Expectations

Your appearance is of great importance to the overall experience of the customer. We want everyone to look clean and tidy. We also want all our workers to look uniform across our building. Uniforms are as follows: White, clean, polo shirt. Black dress pants. Tennis Shoes. Absolutely no T-Shirts, Jeans, Leggings, Open Toed Shoes. Hair longer that collar bone length should be pulled back. No excessive jewelry.

  • Beginning May 4, 2019, anyone found to be out of uniform will be asked to leave the event and your group will be charged for their absence.

  • Timeliness is also another important part of our business. A majority of our events require you to arrive 1.5 hours before the doors for the event open. We ask this so that you all are prepared for the event and have plenty of time to do inventory and prep food and your stand for the event. Please arrive at the scheduled time for each event.

  • Personal belongings must be kept either in your car, or in the locker room located on the event level. Lockers are free to use for all workers at the BOK Center, you must only provide your own lock. Please remember to remove the contents of any locker you use at the end of every event.

  • Cups used inside the concession stand must be health department approved. Cups must have a lid and a handle. They CANNOT have a straw. Bottles, Pepsi cups & pour only cups are not permitted to be stored anywhere in your stand while working. This is a health code violation.

  • Please remember to never use your cell phones in guest space or in the front of your stand or portable. If you must take a call or send a text, please go to the back of your stand.

  • Your group is responsible for the stand or portable you are working from the start to finish of an event. Your stand must be cleaned thoroughly after each event. We will provide you with a cleaning list that must be completed before your group can check out after each event. Please take this seriously as the stands have not been cleaned properly in recent months and we would greatly appreciate everyone’s extra effort in keeping them clean before, during and especially after each event.

Communication: Contact the Coordinator

  • To receive notifications about Offsite opportunities (Expo/Catering/BOK) text @ubpc-osite to 81010.

  • E-Mail:

  • Phone: Jamie Weatherford | (918)-402-0471 (text only, please)