Standard concert black performance attire will be worn throughout the event.
Tux Jacket + Pants + long-sleeve/button/collared black dress shirt + black dress shoes + long black socks
Black Blouse + Palazzo Pants, black shoes
Freshmen Shuttle Bus: # 2420 departs UFA at 1:15pm, headed for UHS. Freshmen should change into concert attire and proceed to the UPAC audience seating.
11:45am Lunch break (on your own)
12:15pm Dress into concert attire
12:30pm Visit Jolesch Photography area for headshot
12:55pm Enter UPAC Auditorium via the audience doors and be seated for spectating two schools’ concert performances.
1:00pm Attend concerts: Muskogee HS (1pm) and Glenpool HS (1:30pm)
Best behavior is naturally expected
1:50pm Depart UPAC, walk to Band Building to get instrument & folder
1:55pm Wait in BR3 hallway, preparing to enter WarmUp
2:00pm Warm-Up
2:25pm Transition to Stage
2:30pm Concert in UPAC
2:55pm Transition to BR2
3:00pm Clinic
3:45pm Event Concludes, Dismissal. Student help resetting all three band rooms + striking the stage would be appreciated.
Remain quiet when going to the warm-up, concert, & clinic venues
Students will be excused for Class Periods 4,5,6. If critical to attend 4th period class, please let Mr. Pisarra know in advance.