Most students enrolled in a band course will be assigned a locker in or near the band facilities on their campus.

Lockers are primarily designated to store and secure an instrument(s), whether owned by the student or by the school district.

Lockers may additionally be used to store a minimal number personal items.

Lockers will remain free of trash and food/drink.

Most lockers have a corresponding detachable padlock assigned to the specific locker. Padlocks should be shackled closed except for when unlocking the padlock/locker; leaving a padlock shackled open may result in unintentional loss by the student. A replacement fee of $10 applies to lost padlocks. Personal padlocks may not be used on school lockers.

It is expected that school district-owned instruments will remain locked in the corresponding locker when not in use.

When an instrument is in use for practice/rehearsal/class, the instrument case will be stored inside the locker with the locker door shut. Instrument cases shall not be left on the floor of the classroom, hallway, etc., rather stored within the locker.