Union Bands NEWS — Union Bands

Weekly Beat | High School Edition | September 16th

September 20-26 | Clinicians This Week: Wayne Downey & Vince Oliver

  • RR: Thurs Sept 23 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm Rehearsal (CLINICIAN/DESIGNER: Jon Vanderkolff)

  • ALL HIGH SCHOOL BAND/GUARD: Fri Sept 24 — 6:30am Rehearsal + GAMENIGHT vs. OWASSO [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance] + CiCi’s

  • RR: Sat Sept 25 - FIRST COMPETITION OF 2021: Owasso Marching Invitational. All Day Event [morning rehearsal + lunch & load + travel + perform prelims afternoon + perform finals]

OIMC Shuttle Routes 2021 (1).jpg

owasso invitational parking

Our first contest is this coming Saturday, September 25th. There will be no onsite parking at Owasso High School, but there will be designated parking lots with shuttle buses running back and forth all day. Please see map for parking areas and designated accessible parking.

All admission tickets are General Admission - for more questions please see Owasso’s website - https://www.owassobands.com/invitational

Renegade Review is a marching competition hosted by Union Bands at Tuttle Stadium.  The date for this event is Saturday, October 9 and we need all helpers on deck!  Please sign up below and contact events@unionbands.com with any questions:

Do you have friends and family coming to watch? There is valuable information for them HERE. Including Renegade Review Ticket Information and Presales if they want to skip the line (details HERE).

NOTE: All volunteers at the event (see below) receive complimentary General Admission for the day! #perks


(we ask every family to work at least 1 shift, please!)

Adult Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BACAC22AAFC1-202110

Student Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BACAC22AAFC1-202111

Senior Escorting: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BACAC22AAFC1-202112

Concessions Workers:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BACAC22AAFC1-202113


Our Renegade Review Merchandise will look a little different this year. We are STRONGLY encouraging pre-orders. Our vendor will NOT be onsite. If you like the long sleeve tee or baseball tee, you will need to pre-order. Does your student (or you!) love those wonderful sweatshirts with section patches or names on them? You will need to pre-order. These are PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVES! No more long lines waiting for your personalization! The last day to pre-order is Wednesday, September 22nd. You may pick up your pre-orders at Renegade Review or choose to have them sent to your home (all deliveries will be received after the event). You can place those pre-orders HERE: https://unionrenegadereview2021.itemorder.com/sale Don't worry! We will still have short sleeve tee shirts and sweatshirts (with no personalization) available for purchase at Renegade Review!

2021 Suite Auction Brochure-page-001.jpg


·25 Executive Suite wristbands

·VIP Parking

·Catered dinner, drinks, snacks

·Air conditioning!

·A great view of the field for the Union vs. Owasso Varsity Football game

Press Box Executive Suite Auction link:  https://unionbands.betterworld.org/auctions/union-press-box-luxury-suite

Welcome to our auction! Union High School Band students are raising money to go to NYC this fall & march in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Thanks for your help in supporting them in this once in a lifetime opportunity by participating in this special opportunity to enjoy the Luxury Executive Suite at the newly built Union High School Tuttle Stadium! Or consider making a donation here!  

Family and Friends:

We have the privilege of hosting a donor in the Press Box Executive Suite for the Owasso game on Friday, September 24.  Thank you for helping us get the word out about the auction for this special evening to local community business and interested parties.  This is time-sensitive, so we appreciate your quick communication to as many people and businesses as possible.

Details are below and attached is a sharable brochure can be found HERE.  This information is also available on our website at unionbands.com/auction.  Please contact president@unionbands.com with any questions.


Tuttle Stadium Press Box Luxury Suite (25 people max)

September 24, 2021 - Union/Owasso Varsity Game Suite

5:30 pm – end of the game

The Executive Suite is located on the south end of the press box. Elevator access is available from the north end of the concourse level. The suite capacity is 25, and includes luxury seating for 10, and bar type seating for 15.

Estimated value: $25,000


Auction Opens: 9/16/2021 at 8:00 am

Auction Ends: 9/20/2021 at 8:00 pm

2021 Suite Auction Brochure-page-002.jpg

eaRn money volunteering at STADIUM CONCESSIONS

We are asking all Regiment Families to volunteer in the concessions stands to help share the load. It’s fun, you are helping everyone in the band, AND you earn money for your student!

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010



Did you miss ordering YOUR letter jacket? No worries! We will place ONE more order for letter jackets this season. October 21st will be our final fitting day and last day to accept payment to ensure all jackets are received prior to our colder winter months! Merchandise will be in the band hall after full ensemble rehearsal October 21st to fit and accept final payments for letter jackets.


Merchandise for purchase will be set up at the parent meeting Tuesday, October 12th! Come see what Union Bands or Renegade Regiment shirts, hats or other swag you or your student "needs" to show your support for our band program! Did you order something online? You can pick it up at this meeting!

QT cards are available for checkout!

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays when orders by 3pm WEDNESDAYs.

Our Wufoo order form is live. Please visit our fundraising page to order for your student!





Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • Shop with Scrips

  • 10 for 20 Fundraiser

  • Macy*s Campaign

  • Country Meats

  • World’s Finest Chocolate


We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!


Weekly Beat | High School Edition | September 9th


week of september 9-17

  • Thurs Sept 9 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm Rehearsal

  • Thurs Sept 9 — 6:30pm Blue and Gold – Money turn in

  • Thurs Sept 9 — 8pm – Resource Night

  • Fri Sept 10 — 6:30am Rehearsal + PEP ASSEMBLY @ UHS 2:30pm + GAMENIGHT vs. JENKS [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance]

  • Sat Sept 11 — NEWLY ADDED TO THE CALENDAR: 9am-1pm Rehearsal

  • Monday-Friday— 6:30am Rehearsal

  • Mon Sept 13— Percussion Sectional 4-6pm, Guard Sectional 4:30-6:30pm

  • Tue Sept 14— Wind Sectional 4-6pm

  • Tue Sept 14— UBPC General Meeting 7pm

  • Thurs Sept 16 - 4-8pm Rehearsal

  • Fri Sept 17- 4-8pm Rehearsal

eaRn money volunteering at STADIUM CONCESSIONS

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010

DRILLERS VOLUNTEERS (adults and students) earn $45 per event towards thier band accounts!!

Still lots of opportunities to earn $45/event for your students Charms account volunteering for concessions at OneOK Field. Shifts are approximately 5 hours, your student receives a full $45 in their account within a few days. Contact Jerry, Bryant, Bill, Jason or Jamie.

UBpc - resource night tHURsday september 9th AFTER FULL REHEARSAL

  • UBPC Resources available from 8-8:30

  • Student account treasurers

  • Fundraising

  • Letter jacket sizing



  • Bylaws will be approved

  • Memberships available

  • Great information and a chance to meet other parents


Letter Jacket.jpg


If you are interested in purchasing a letter jacket, please stop by Resource Night after Full Ensemble Rehearsal. Payment of $180 is due at time of order to be included in this round of orders. If you are not quite ready to pay for one yet but know you want to order a jacket this season, that is okay! Come see us and we will get you fit and fill out the paperwork for our final round of orders this season in October. We will arrange payment prior to that final order date. October will be our final month to place orders this season to ensure all jackets are received prior to our colder winter months!


Merchandise for purchase will be set up at the parent meeting Tuesday, September 14th! Come see what Union Bands or Renegade Regiment shirts, hats or other swag you or your student "needs" to show your support for our band program!

Our Blue & Gold fundraiser sales are complete. Monies due Thursday 09/09/21

QT cards are anticipated to be available for checkout on 9/9/21, during blue and gold order turned in and any future resource nights.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays.

Our Wufoo order form is live. Please visit our fundraising page to order for your student!





Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • Shop with Scrips

  • 10 for 20 Fundraiser

  • Macy*s Campaign

  • Country Meats

  • World’s Finest Chocolate


The following events require lots of parent support and volunteers. Every family is asked to please work at least one shift per event, so mark your calendars:

→ Saturday, October 9, 2021 - Union Bands hosts the 38th Annual Renegade Review Marching Competition (more info HERE)

→ Saturday, March 5, 2022 - Union Guard hosts the WGI Tulsa Color Guard Regional

SAS Volunteer sign11.jpg

We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!


Weekly Beat | Middle School Edition | September 8


6TH GRADE zXCgv-1475766586-1166-blog-testpattern_indianhead_1200.png

A Letter from the Directors:

Welcome to the Union 6th Grade Band

 Welcome to a new school year! We can’t tell you how pleased we are that you have chosen for your child to participate in one of the most rewarding activities our school has to offer: music! We all hoped that the start of the year would mark the return to normalcy, and while we are not quite there yet, we are in a healthier place than we were one year ago.
We know you have many questions: Will my child be any good? Will they be able to handle the responsibility of playing music along with everything else they do? Will it be worth it? Is the instrument supposed to sound that bad? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES! 

With your support and ours, the possibilities for your child are wide open. Certainly, there will be moments of frustration as your child learns the new skills of playing music, but the rewards are many! 

As children work to master a challenging skill, they develop grit and perseverance. As they learn how to care for their new instrument, they practice taking on responsibility that will transfer to other parts of their development. And that first time you hear them play a tune on their own, perform in our school concert, or just see their face light up when they realize they can do something this special, well, that sense of pride that both of you feel will confirm that it is all worth it!

 As your child embarks on this new journey, we encourage you to take some videos to document their musical progress. It is often difficult to see the slow arc of growth when you are just starting, but these videos will be proof of how far they have come and how much they have learned. Plus, they have the added benefit of being fun to watch in the future. The sounds won’t always be beautiful, but they will be special! What a fun way to reminisce when they are in high school!

 We hope you are as excited as we are to embark on this new journey together. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.


Union Bands Faculty 

Welcome Back to Union 7th and 8th Grade Band

 Welcome to the new school year and another year of music! We sincerely hope you and your child have had time to relax, rejuvenate, and spend quality time together this summer.

 We all hoped that the start of the year would mark the return to normalcy, and while we are not quite there yet, we are in a healthier place than we were one year ago.

 Before going any further, we want to thank you for helping your child choose to continue in music. Excitement can sometimes taper as children realize that learning a new language (music) while simultaneously making this foreign object make sounds is no easy feat. This can be compounded by the fact the last 16 months may have hampered their progress. But through it all, they are learning so much more.

We have a great year planned and so many things to look forward to from the group, and we are thrilled that your child will be a part of it.

 We will spend these first few weeks of school getting reacquainted with our instruments. It will probably come to no one’s surprise that many of us spent our summer days thinking about anything other than school! That’s absolutely OK. In fact, it’s healthy to take a break to recharge our batteries from time to time. If your child is experiencing a bit of “summer brain drain,” know that this is normal and to be expected. We plan to start slow.

Remember, playing an instrument is a physical (as well as mental) skill, and muscle fatigue can set in quickly when we are out of shape. So, don’t expect your child to be able to pick up their instrument and put in an hour or two of practice right away. This will lead to frustration and the development of bad habits. Encourage them to get the instrument out for just 10 or 15 minutes at a time for the first several days. It will make the transition much easier.

 Once we get back into the routine of playing, we think you will notice how the group’s sound is maturing. The music is becoming more exciting, and the ensemble members are forming stronger friendships and bonds with one another. That is the beauty of continued involvement in a musical group!

 Please know that our door is always open as we partner to provide a nurturing and educational environment for your child. We always a phone call or email away.


Your Union Bands Faculty

7th Grade: Mr. GomezMrs. LollisMr. Bruce

8th Grade: Mr. PritnerMrs. BarnesMr. Bruce

eaRn money volunteering at STADIUM CONCESSIONS

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events! Reminder that all hours earn money towards YOUR student’s band account.

Come be part of the fun!


stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010

DRILLERS/ROUGHNECKS WORKERS earn money towards thier band accounts!

School has started is in full swing and we need workers at the Drillers and Roughnecks games at OneOK Field. We need cashiers and student runners for our Dippin’ Dots stand that is typically run by our students! We could definitely use everyone’s help as the Drillers and Roughnecks season continues through to October. SIGN UP HERE.


Earn a $2,000 bonus and paid work for helping get our students where they need to be!

We want to make sure our band can get to out of town games. If interested and available during the week please see the District Free School Bus Driving Training Program.

Let us know if you are interested!



DELIVERY EXPECTED: week of 9/20 (Exact dates, times, and location TBD)

Text: @ubpc-fundr to 81010 to get updates when our order form goes live, exact Money Turn In location information, and delivery pickup information

See our current fundraisers page for the sales flyer and more information.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursday (9/2/21).

Our Wufoo order form is live. Please visit our fundraising page to order for your student!



Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • Shop with Scrips

  • 10 for 20 Fundraiser

  • Country Meats

  • World’s Finest Chocolate