Weekly Beat | High School Edition | September 30th

September 30-October 3
Thurs Sept 30 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm RRehearsal
Fri Oct 1 — 6:30am Rehearsal + Pep Band ‘A’ goes to PC North for UHS Football Game [4:00m dinner, depart, play in bleachers, return late] → see roster
Sat Oct 2 - Bentonville Marching Invitational (Arkansas) All Day [morning rehearsal + load + travel + perform prelims afternoon + perform finals]

October 4-10
Mon Oct 4 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Percussion Sectional 4-6pm, Guard Sectional 4:30-6:30pm
Tues Oct 5 — 6:30am Rehearsal, ***4-8pm RRehearsal*** (note: Tuesday not Thursday)
Wed Oct 6 — 6:30am Rehearsal
Thurs Oct 7 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Winds Sectional 4-6pm
Fri Oct 8 — 6:30am Rehearsal + HOMECOMING GAMENIGHT vs. MUSTANG [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance] + CiCi’s
Sat Oct 9 - 38th Annual RENEGADE REVIEW MARCHING BAND CHAMPIONSHIP event hosted at Union. Rehearsal [3:45-5:00pm] + Evening Performance [7-11pm: dress, warm-up, perform, dress-out, clean campus] Sign up to work at this event → we need you!

October 11-17
Mon Oct 11 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Percussion Sectional 4-6pm, Guard Sectional 4:30-6:30pm
Tues Oct 12 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Winds Sectional 4-6pm
Wed Oct 13 PSAT for Sophomores | VIRTUAL SCHOOL DAY for Freshmen/Juniors/Seniors | No Rehearsal
Thurs Oct 14 — FALL BREAK | No Activities Today
Fri Oct 15 Pep Band ‘B’ goes to Moore for UHS Football Game [4:00pm dinner, depart, play in bleachers, return late] → see roster

Message from Directors.png

this is your brain - this is your brain on art

In a beautifully illustrated article on the impact of the arts on our brains, the Washington Post eloquently and evocatively explained the effect that movement and music have on our cerebral cortex.

Using the ballet Swan Lake as their course of study, the Post explored the impact on performer and audience members alike when music and movement are combined to create a symbiotic and unified message. 

The article explains, “When you go to the ballet — or any other show — you’re entering into a highly controlled experience. If everything works as planned, all the elements contribute to a kind of shared consciousness. In effect, your billions of brain cells are interacting with billions of other brain cells, busily making the microscopic connections that join together the brains of those present with an almost inescapable force.” 

The combination of pairing emotion filled movement with emotion filled music changes the body responses of not just the performer, but the audience member as well. In short, the two actions or music and movement in combination were more powerful together than when separate. 

“As an audience, we’re watching a story unfold that connects us with the performers, vicariously feeling and making meaning out of their actions on stage, responding to the magnetism of specific visual cues, experiencing heightened emotions as music and movement entwine and even bonding with those around us. It’s just as the artists — choreographers, directors, playwrights, composers, performers — intended. And this magical transformation starts within the architecture of one brain.” 

It turns out that the audience is not just connecting with the performers, but with other audience members as well. 

Perhaps the draw to music for our students and audience members alike is not just the music and the pageantry or the precision and the pride. Perhaps its appeal is something far more neural and biological. Perhaps we do this for the sense of connection we feel with one another when we share in the experience. It’s kids connecting with their peers, performers connecting with audience members, and parents connecting with other parents. 

Perhaps we are drawn to music as much for the HEART form as we are to the ART form. 

If there’s anything we can do for you or your child, don’t hesitate to message us.

Your Union Bands Staff




It’s HERE! The link to purchase your very own 2021 SHOW SHIRT! Please note a few points. Renegade Regiment students do NOT need to order a shirt! You will get one as a part of your band fees. The color and what you see on this link is NOT the shirt you are purchasing! Most of you know, this is always a surprise that will be unveiled when the shirts arrive. I will be passing them out with some help from my friends after practice one day when they arrive. I do not yet have a date but will communicate this information as soon as I have it! This store link closes Monday, October 4th at 11:59pm. This is a firm deadline and no late orders can be accepted. https://unionbandshowshirt2021.itemorder.com/shop/sale/

Renegade Review is a marching competition hosted by Union Bands at Tuttle Stadium.  The date for this event is Saturday, October 9 and we need all helpers on deck!  Please sign up below and contact events@unionbands.com with any questions:

Do you have friends and family coming to watch? There is valuable information for them HERE. Including Renegade Review Ticket Information and Presales if they want to skip the line (details HERE).

NOTE: All volunteers at the event (see below) receive complimentary General Admission for the day! #perks

We are inviting the 2021 Graduates to participate in the finals escorting and trophy presentation. If they have any questions, please contact events@unionbands.com


(we ask every family to work at least 1 shift, please!)

We are inviting the 2021 Graduates to participate in the finals escorting and trophy presentation. If they have any questions, please contact events@unionbands.com

renegade review HOSPITALITY

Union Bands is known for it’s hospitality at our contests. We go above and beyond at the Renegade Review to make the judges, visiting band directors, and bus drivers of all of our contestants feel at home and welcome for the day. This requires lots of goodies to keep their tummy’s full. Please help by donating food and beverage items.



Calling 2021 Alumni

If you are an 2021 senior and would like to participate in the Renegade Review. We are looking for Senior Escorts. Graduated Seniors from the class of 2021 are needed during Finals performances.

Please sign up here:

Renegade Review Senior 2021 Graduate Escorting Signup

Senior Group/Section photo


October 24 - Senior Group & Section Photos. More info about Senior Night HERE.

  • Meet at 5:45--7:00pm  (may be over before 7pm)

  • Location TBD

  • Dress: Section Leaders coordinate with their section: dark, solid color t shirt and jeans.

  • Group and Section Photos will be printed on Senior Poster for Senior Night. Digital downloads will be available free to students after senior night.

  • A Faculty member will be present along with UBPC President and Photographer. There will not be time at the event for parents to take their own pictures, and can be distracting to students. Section leaders can make arrangements to have photos after this event ends if they want to.


eaRn money volunteering at


We are asking all Regiment Families to volunteer in the concessions stands to help share the load. It’s fun, you are helping everyone in the band, AND you earn money for your student!

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010


Letter Jacket.jpg


Did you miss ordering YOUR letter jacket? No worries! We will place ONE more order for letter jackets this season. October 21st will be our final fitting day and last day to accept payment to ensure all jackets are received prior to our colder winter months! Merchandise will be in the band hall after full ensemble rehearsal October 21st to fit and accept final payments for letter jackets.


Merchandise for purchase will be set up at the parent meeting Tuesday, October 12th! Come see what Union Bands or Renegade Regiment shirts, hats or other swag you or your student "needs" to show your support for our band program! Did you order something online? You can pick it up at this meeting!

Anticipated Fundraising Availability

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (Sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm WEDNESDAYS.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are also available for checkout on 10/12 before and after our GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING.

As our QT Cards Fundraiser is complete, any QT Cards you have not returned are yours to keep or sell.

Our next fundraiser is Butter Braids, and the link is live on our fundraising page.





Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

SAS Volunteer sign11.jpg

We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!


Weekly Beat | High School Edition | September 23rd

September 23-26 | Clinicians This Week: Wayne Downey & Vince Oliver | Owasso invitational

  • RR: Thurs Sept 23 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm Rehearsal (CLINICIAN/DESIGNER: Jon Vanderkolff)

  • ALL HIGH SCHOOL BAND/GUARD: Fri Sept 24 — 6:30am Rehearsal + GAMENIGHT vs. OWASSO [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance]

  • RR: Sat Sept 25 - FIRST COMPETITION OF 2021: Owasso Marching Invitational. All Day Event [morning rehearsal + lunch & load + travel + perform prelims afternoon + perform finals]


Week of September 27 - October 2nd

  • RR: Mon Sept 27 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Percussion Sectional 4-6pm, Guard Sectional 4:30-6:30pm

  • RR: Tues Sept 28 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Winds Sectional 4-6pm

  • RR: Wed Sept 29 — 6:30am Rehearsal

  • RR: Thurs Sept 30 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm Rehearsal

  • RR: Fri Oct 1 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4pm Pep Band ‘A’ to UHS Varsity Football vs. PC North + 4pm-8pm Guard Rehearsal

  • RR: Sat Oct 2 - 2nd COMPETITION OF 2021: Bentonville, AR


Owasso Invitational Spectator Information

Our first contest is this coming Saturday, September 25th.

PARKING - There will be no onsite parking at Owasso High School, but there will be designated parking lots with shuttle buses running back and forth all day. Please see map for parking areas and designated accessible parking.


  • $10 Adults

  • $5 students

  • $5 Age 55+

  • Free 5 and under

  • $5 programs

All admission tickets are General Admission - for more questions please see Owasso’s website - https://www.owassobands.com/invitational

Renegade Review is a marching competition hosted by Union Bands at Tuttle Stadium.  The date for this event is Saturday, October 9 and we need all helpers on deck!  Please sign up below and contact events@unionbands.com with any questions:

Do you have friends and family coming to watch? There is valuable information for them HERE. Including Renegade Review Ticket Information and Presales if they want to skip the line (details HERE).

NOTE: All volunteers at the event (see below) receive complimentary General Admission for the day! #perks

We are inviting the 2021 Graduates to participate in the finals escorting and trophy presentation. If they have any questions, please contact events@unionbands.com


(we ask every family to work at least 1 shift, please!)

We are inviting the 2021 Graduates to participate in the finals escorting and trophy presentation. If they have any questions, please contact events@unionbands.com

Calling 2021 Alumni

If you are an 2021 senior and would like to participate in the Renegade Review. We are looking for Senior Escorts. Graduated Seniors from the class of 2021 are needed during Finals performances.

Please sign up here:

Renegade Review Senior 2021 Graduate Escorting Signup

eaRn money volunteering at


We are asking all Regiment Families to volunteer in the concessions stands to help share the load. It’s fun, you are helping everyone in the band, AND you earn money for your student!

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010



Did you miss ordering YOUR letter jacket? No worries! We will place ONE more order for letter jackets this season. October 21st will be our final fitting day and last day to accept payment to ensure all jackets are received prior to our colder winter months! Merchandise will be in the band hall after full ensemble rehearsal October 21st to fit and accept final payments for letter jackets.


Merchandise for purchase will be set up at the parent meeting Tuesday, October 12th! Come see what Union Bands or Renegade Regiment shirts, hats or other swag you or your student "needs" to show your support for our band program! Did you order something online? You can pick it up at this meeting!

Thursday (9/23) you can get QT Cards, Chocolate, and Beef Sticks from 630PM-700PM at the doors to the high school band room accessed via the bus loop.

Thursday (9/23) you can get QT cards ONLY from 700PM-800PM at the high school in the stands during the last hour of practice (Track Field or Tuttle). This is the final opportunity to checkout QT Cards before our turn in cut off date of 9/30.

Thursday (9/30) you can checkout QT Cards, Chocolate, or Beef Sticks at resource night. Also, any undamaged/unused QT Cards can be returned on 9/30. Any unreturned cards after 9/30 are yours to sell or use at your discretion, as your CHARMS account was charged $10 at checkout.

Butter Braids are our next fundraiser!



Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • Shop with Scrips

  • 10 for 20 Fundraiser

  • Macy*s Campaign

  • Country Meats

  • World’s Finest Chocolate



Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.


We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!


Weekly Beat | Middle School Edition | September 20th

executive suite auction

2021 Suite Auction Brochure-page-001.jpg


·25 Executive Suite wristbands

·VIP Parking

·Catered dinner, drinks, snacks

·Air conditioning!

·A great view of the field for the Union vs. Owasso Varsity Football game

Press Box Executive Suite Auction link:  https://unionbands.betterworld.org/auctions/union-press-box-luxury-suite

Welcome to our auction! Union High School Band students are raising money to go to NYC this fall & march in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Thanks for your help in supporting them in this once in a lifetime opportunity by participating in this special opportunity to enjoy the Luxury Executive Suite at the newly built Union High School Tuttle Stadium! Or consider making a donation here!  

Family and Friends:

We have the privilege of hosting a donor in the Press Box Executive Suite for the Owasso game on Friday, September 24.  Thank you for helping us get the word out about the auction for this special evening to local community business and interested parties.  This is time-sensitive, so we appreciate your quick communication to as many people and businesses as possible.

Details are below and attached is a sharable brochure can be found HERE.  This information is also available on our website at unionbands.com/auction.  Please contact president@unionbands.com with any questions.


Tuttle Stadium Press Box Luxury Suite (25 people max)

September 24, 2021 - Union/Owasso Varsity Game Suite

5:30 pm – end of the game

The Executive Suite is located on the south end of the press box. Elevator access is available from the north end of the concourse level. The suite capacity is 25, and includes luxury seating for 10, and bar type seating for 15.

Estimated value: $25,000


Auction Opens: 9/16/2021 at 8:00 am

Auction Ends: 9/20/2021 at 8:00 pm

2021 Suite Auction Brochure-page-002.jpg

eaRn money volunteering at STADIUM CONCESSIONS

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events! Reminder that all hours earn money towards YOUR student’s band account.

Come be part of the fun!


stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010

DRILLERS/ROUGHNECKS WORKERS earn money towards thier band accounts!

School has started is in full swing and we need workers at the Drillers and Roughnecks games at OneOK Field. We need cashiers and student runners for our Dippin’ Dots stand that is typically run by our students! We could definitely use everyone’s help as the Drillers and Roughnecks season continues through to October. SIGN UP HERE.

QT cards are available for checkout!

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays when orders by 3pm WEDNESDAYs.

Our Wufoo order form is live. Please visit our fundraising page to order for your student!


Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • QT Cards

  • Shop with Scrips

  • 10 for 20 Fundraiser

  • Country Meats

  • World’s Finest Chocolate


Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.