Weekly Beat | Middle School Edition | October 28th

Middle School Corner


“Music isn’t fun anymore!” This is the clarion call of October. I’m sure you have heard your child say it. If you haven’t, it’s likely coming soon! Don’t worry — it’s natural and almost predictable. It’s part of the ebb and flow of any rigorous activity.

The repetition and grind associated with daily rehearsals, combined with mounting academic pressures and the challenges of the ongoing pandemic can take a toll.

Add in after-school activities, tests, sports, and the other responsibilities associated with being a student, and he or she might be right: music might not always be fun.
Here’s a secret… It’s not supposed to always be fun. It’s supposed to be life-changing.

Yes, maybe at this very moment, music isn’t “fun.” But, do you know what music is?

  • Music is worthwhile.

  • It’s character-building, memory-making, and friendship-fostering.

  • Music is working hard with the same people, fighting through the tough days, and celebrating the good ones together.

  • Music is life-changing. That’s what music is.

Thanks for all you do to make your children successful, both in music and in all their other pursuits.

Have a great transition to the fall season, and please let us know how we can continue helping make music a life-changing part of your child’s life.

You Union Bands Faculty contact us

especially for 6th grade parents

This school year is different than years past. We are teaching and learning in ways we weren’t accustomed to before the pandemic. And through it all, you and your child are navigating the world of music. New beginnings are exciting, but the shine can wear off fast when your child hears their least favorite word: PRACTICE

Listen, few people actually like to practice — it’s like musical homework! And what kid likes homework? 

We know that practicing can be a fight that you don’t want or need — especially right now. It’s not so much what they practice, but that they practice, even if it is for just 10 minutes. Routine matters now more than ever. 

In your role as a parent, you can make a big difference when it comes to practicing. You don’t have to know anything about their instrument or about music. Helping your child set aside a regular, dedicated time for practice over these initial months can have a dramatic effect on their trajectory as a musician! 

What does regular practice look like? For a beginner, shorter, frequent sessions are better. It takes time to develop the ability to practice in a focused, sustained manner. Set a schedule and try and stick to it so they develop a routine. As they work through their materials, prompt them with, “That was great. Can I hear that again?” Or, “Awesome! You should play that for your brother/sister/parent.”  You will trick them into practicing without them even knowing it! Sneaky? Yes! But it works! 

The key to guided practice is a consistent schedule and repetition. If you can get them to sit down regularly and play things multiple times, the improvement will be significant! Please know that you are a crucial part of setting up your child for success in music, and we’re here to help you. If you have questions or struggles, please feel free to reach out to us. 

Thank you for reading — and thank you for all that you are doing to support your child’s musical journey. 


Your Union Bands Faculty

Anticipated Fundraising Availability


  • Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (and sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm on WEDNESDAYS.

    • Chocolate and Beef Sticks are also available for checkout on:

      • Thurs 10/28 during the RR Full Ensemble practice/Resource Night/Butter Braid Money Turn in at the High School inside the doors that lead to the band room and are adjacent to the bus loop from 6:00-7:00PM.

      • Thurs 11/4 after the Macy’s Practice at the High School inside the doors that lead to the band room and are adjacent to the bus loop from 6:00-6:30PM.

  • Our current feature fundraiser is Butter Braids

    • *NOTE: Order totals due noon Thursday, October 28, 2021 via live link on our fundraising page.

    • *If you have more orders come in AFTER you input your order, Please RE-INPUT the TOTAL order (quantities you previously input plus the new quantities).

    • *If possible, UBPC prefers one check for your students' sales $ total.

  • Sign up for our REMIND for fundraiser delivery information. Text @ubpc-fundr to 81010

  • Our next feature fundraiser is Wreaths & Poinsettias. Look for information next week!


Check out our website for all sorts of important information and available resources for the budding musician.

Here you can find vital information from your directors, class information, places on where you purchase band supplies, and much more.

class reminder

Parents - please help remind your student every day to bring:

  • band instrument

  • binder with music

  • pencil

eaRn money volunteering at STADIUM CONCESSIONS

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events! Reminder that all hours earn money towards YOUR student’s band account.

Come be part of the fun!

stay connected using Union band parents club remind subscriptions

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010

DRILLERS/ROUGHNECKS WORKERS earn money towards thier band accounts!

School has started is in full swing and we need workers at the Drillers and Roughnecks games at OneOK Field. We need cashiers and student runners for our Dippin’ Dots stand that is typically run by our students! We could definitely use everyone’s help as the Drillers and Roughnecks season continues through to October. SIGN UP HERE.


Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

Weekly Beat | high school Edition October 28th

October 28-31
Thurs Oct 28 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm RRehearsal
Fri Oct 29 — 6:30am Rehearsal + PEP ASSEMBLY [10/11/12th Graders Only] + GAMENIGHT vs. SOUTHMOORE [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance]
Sat Oct 30 - OBA State Marching Band Championship All Day Event [morning rehearsal + lunch & load + travel + perform prelims early afternoon + perform evening finals]
Sun Oct 31 - End-of-the-RRoad for Competitive Season 2021. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Tues Nov 2— 4-6pm
Thurs Nov 4— 4-6pm
Fri Nov 5— 3:30-5pm

oba state marching contest info

October 30, 2021 - Broken Arrow High School Football Stadium

eaRn money volunteering at


We are asking all Regiment Families to volunteer in the concessions stands to help share the load. It’s fun, you are helping everyone in the band, AND you earn money for your student!

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!

Anticipated Fundraising Availability:

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (Sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm WEDNESDAYS.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are also available for checkout on:

*10/28 during the RR Full Ensemble practice/Resource Night/Butter Braid Money Turn in at the High School inside the doors that lead to the band room and are adjacent to the bus loop from 6:00-7:00PM.
*11/4 after the Macys Practice at the High School inside the doors that lead to the band room and are adjacent to the bus loop from 6:00-6:30PM.

Our current fundraiser is Butter Braids, and the link is live on our fundraising page.

*Order totals due noon Thursday, October 28, 2021 via live link on our fundraising page.
*If you have more orders come in AFTER you input your order, Please RE-INPUT the TOTAL (quantities you previously input, plus the new quantities) order.

*If possible UBPC prefers one check for your students' sales $ total.

*Sign up for our REMIND for delivery information. Text @ubpc-fundr to 81010


Our next fundraiser is Wreaths or Poinsettias. Look for information next week!




Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010


We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!


Weekly Beat | Special St. Louis Edition October 21st

it’s contest week!!!! i’m so excited!!!!

October 21-31

Thurs Oct 21 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm RRehearsal + Load Trucks for STL
Fri Oct 22 — Depart early AM for BOA St. Louis Super-Regional. Travel, lunch, hotel check-in, dinner, PRELIMS 7:15pm at the Dome at America’s Center. [ALL DAY TRIP: FRI & SAT] Full itinerary coming soon
Sat Oct 23 - Day #2 of BOA St. Louis Super-Regional trip. Breakfast, check out of hotel, rehearsal, lunch, attend prelims awards, dinner, FINALS performance TBA. Depart for Tulsa late.
Sun Oct 24 - Arrive at UHS - stay tuned for updates

October 25-31
Mon Oct 25 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Percussion Sectional 4-6pm, Guard Sectional 4:30-6:30pm
Tues Oct 26 — 6:30am Rehearsal, Winds Sectional 4-6pm
Wed Oct 27 — 6:30am Rehearsal
Thurs Oct 28 — 6:30am Rehearsal + 4-8pm RRehearsal
Fri Oct 29 — 6:30am Rehearsal + PEP ASSEMBLY [10/11/12th Graders Only] + GAMENIGHT vs. SOUTHMOORE [3:45pm rehearsal. Dinner, Halftime Performance]
Sat Oct 30 - OBA State Marching Band Championship All Day Event [morning rehearsal + lunch & load + travel + perform prelims early afternoon + perform evening finals]
Sun Oct 31 - End-of-the-RRoad for Competitive Season 2021. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

2021 RRegiment Show Shirt Pick-up - The Sequel


  • 6:30-9:00PM

The much anticipated 2021 SHOW SHIRT will be available for pick up THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21st after full ensemble rehearsal. All Renegade Regiment members and staff will have a shirt to pick up. Parents who ordered a shirt online will also be able to pick up their shirts at these times!


Please do not forget to come see us on Thursday the 21st after rehearsal in the band hall!

bands of america - st. louis super regionals - spectator info:

Contest is Friday-Saturday October 22-23. You can find spectator schedule and lineup here.


NOTE: Student travel information will be distributed through Charms and/or Infinite Campus communication channels

please note - masks required in all indoor spaces per city regulations

The evidence is everywhere that the school year is in full swing! Homework has ramped up, sports practices and clubs are meeting, and of course, there are plenty of band/guard rehearsals. 

Finding the balance between it all is part of growing up. Our young people are exploring new activities, new interests, and figuring out who they are — who they want to be — all while striving to meet the demands of school, home, and their social lives. Add in the toll of an ongoing pandemic, and it can be challenging for your child (and for you)! 

Through it all, you can rest easy knowing that by being a part of our group your child will be better equipped to navigate the challenges. We know this because creating music has benefits for emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. 

Playing an instrument engages both sides of the brain and improves reading, critical thinking skills and the ability to focus and pay attention. But there’s more. By playing in the ensemble, students develop bonds with one another. Music is a ready group of friends who are there to support one another through thick and thin. And, each year that these students play together, even if they don’t spend time together outside of school, the bonds grow stronger. 

Your child’s choices and activities are shaping who they will become — they are making decisions and learning behaviors that will have an impact on them for the rest of their life. Being involved in music/performing arts helps students make good choices by surrounding them with other good students and challenging them to grow musically (and otherwise) each and every day. 

Our hope is that you and your child will recognize the performing arts as more than just an activity, as an essential part of their growth as a person. Rather than a stressor, music enables them to achieve their goals, build the life skills that are invaluable in all that they do, and, most importantly, enrich their lives in a way few activities will. 

From your Union Bands Faculty contact us

eaRn money volunteering at


We are asking all Regiment Families to volunteer in the concessions stands to help share the load. It’s fun, you are helping everyone in the band, AND you earn money for your student!

We are enlisting workers (students AND parents) to help us at all of our upcoming events!! Reminder that all hours earn money towards your students band account.

Come be part of the fun!



As a bonus - Joy Cheek will also be with us Thursday night after full ensemble rehearsal in the band hall with her selection of jewelry for you to purchase to complement your new Union Bands or Macy's weaRR!


Did you want to get cool new UNION BANDS gear for the big trip to the MACY'S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE? Are you an alumni of the Union Bands program and you wish you had an alumni shirt to wear with pride? What about awesome new Union Bands gear for your student (or yourself?) for a gift for the upcoming holidays? Well, you are in luck! We have an amazing new stoRRe for you!

This link will be live until Sunday, October 24th at 11:59 pm! Anything ordered here will be in your hands before we leave for New York City! Are there too many cool choices? NO WORRIES! We will be reopening this link AFTER we return from New York for one last short round of orders before the holiday season! Click that link now and check it out!


Did you miss ordering YOUR letter jacket? Come see us! We will place ONE more order for letter jackets this season. THURSDAY, October 21st after full ensemble rehearsal will be our final fitting day and last day to accept payment to ensure all jackets are received prior to our colder winter months!

Renegade Review Merch

Did you order Renegade Review patches or shirts and have not yet picked them up? Please stop by the letter jacket fittings Thursday, October 21st in the band hall and get your stuff! There will be a volunteer handing these items out so you will not have to wait in the letter jacket fitting line!

Still want to buy a shirt, hoodie, or Renegade Review patch? Please email merchandise@unionbands.com. Reminder, the Review patches are NOT part of the bulk patch order for the marching season.

Why Band Parents Are the Best Parents

Two years ago, our family was initiated into the world of the high school marching band …

by Aisha Sultan


Anticipated Fundraising Availability:

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (Sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm WEDNESDAYS.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are also available for checkout on:

*10/21 from 6:15-6:45 during the RR Full Ensemble practice at the High School inside the doors adjacent to the bus loop that lead to the band room

*10/28 during the RR Full Ensemble practice at the High School/Resource Night/Butter Braid Money Turn in

Our current fundraiser is Butter Braids, and the link is live on our fundraising page.
Order totals due noon Thursday, October 28, 2021


Senior Group/Section photo

October 24 - Senior Group & Section Photos. More info about Senior Night HERE.

  • Meet at 5:45--7:00pm  (may be over before 7pm)

  • Location TBD

  • Dress: Section Leaders coordinate with their section: dark, solid color t shirt and jeans.

  • Group and Section Photos will be printed on Senior Poster for Senior Night. Digital downloads will be available free to students after senior night.

  • A Faculty member will be present along with UBPC President and Photographer. There will not be time at the event for parents to take their own pictures, and can be distracting to students. Section leaders can make arrangements to have photos after this event ends if they want to.



Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.

stay connected using UBPC reminds!!

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010


We need hands and feet to keep this wonderful engine running. If you are new - don’t worry - we all were at one time. Just show up and say ‘What can I do to help?’ and someone will teach/lead you what to do.

We need people to help dress the band, feed the band, water the band, concessions, chaperones, pushing, pulling - and so many more other areas …

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program!

For more information and current volunteering opportunities click HERE!