Union Bands NEWS — Union Bands

Weekly Beat High School Edition June 21st

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  • June 21-25 - UHS RR Brass & Woodwinds JUNE Rehearsal Camp (Monday-Friday)

  • Tues, June 22 at 7:00pm - Renegade Regiment JUNE Info Meeting for Students and Parents | see Google calendar for Zoom link information



Parents and Students, enjoy your breaks this summer, but please stay in touch with your teams, groups and sections. Lots of work goes on over the summer as we get better and get ready for a competitive marching season. Please watch your emails, texts, REMINDs, and GroupMe messages for important information. Our student leaders are relentless in their desire to make us the best we can be. Let’s support them in every way we can.


Remind INFO





Is your STUDENT in Marching Band (this includes Renegade Regiment Color Guard Students)?

Then you and your student should be SUBSCRIBED TO FOUR Reminds as detailed below:

  1. ALL RENEGADE REGIMENT MEMBERS: Text @uhsrr to 81010

  2. HIGH SCHOOL BANDS [GENERAL]: Text @uhsbands to 81010

  3. ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (Percussion TWO):

    • RR WOODWIND MEMBERS: Text @uhsww to 81010

    • RR BRASS MEMBERS: Text @uhsbrass to 81010

    • ALL PERCUSSION MEMBERS: Text @uperc-uhs to 81010

    • RR BATTERY MEMBERS: Text @uperc-dl to 81010 AND Text @uhsdl to 81010

    • RR FRONT ENSEMBLE MEMBERS: text @uperc-pit to 81010

    • H.S. GUARD STUDENTS: Text @uguardfall to 81010

  4. AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (GUARD STUDENTS DO NOT NEED TO BE SIGNED UP FOR ONE OF THESE): Not sure which group your student is in? See roster here

    • CONCERT WINDS STUDENTS: Text @uhscwinds to 81010

    • SYMPHONIC BAND STUDENTS: Text @uhssband to 81010

    • SYMPHONIC WINDS STUDENTS: Text @uhsswinds to 81010

    • WIND ENSEMBLE STUDENTS: Text @uhswe to 81010

Is your STUDENT in Concert Band only?

Then you and your student should be SUBSCRIBED TO TWO Reminds as outlined below:

  1. HIGH SCHOOL BANDS [GENERAL]: Text @uhsbands to 81010

  2. ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (Not sure which group your student is in? See roster here)

    • CONCERT WINDS STUDENTS: Text @uhscwinds to 81010

    • SYMPHONIC BAND STUDENTS: Text @uhssband to 81010

    • SYMPHONIC WINDS STUDENTS: Text @uhsswinds to 81010

    • WIND ENSEMBLE STUDENTS: Text @uhswe to 81010

Is your STUDENT in Jazz Band?

Then you and your student should be SUBSCRIBED TO ONE of the following Reminds:

  1. HIGH SCHOOL JAZZ ENSEMBLE 1 STUDENTS: Text @uhsjazz1 to 81010

  2. HIGH SCHOOL JAZZ ENSEMBLE 2 STUDENTS: Text @uhsjazz2 to 81010

More information on Remind groups can be found at unionbands.com/Remind

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Photographers Needed!

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Do you enjoy photography or videography? Do you have a DSLR or mirrorless camera? Chris Hall, UBPC Photographer is looking to put together a team to help photograph and/or video rehearsals, performances, and everything Union Bands does. If you're interested in being part of the team, you can contact him at photography@unionbands.com.


Renegade Regiment Volunteer Signup

(Section Parents and Chaperones, too!)


We want to be our best, and to do that, we have to support our program with the best volunteer effort.  Your directors, staff, and UPBC officers work tirelessly to enable and elevate and we will find a way that you can contribute your gifts, talents and efforts to our students' success. You have something to give, and we can use all the help we can get.

Our volunteer interest survey is a great way to connect to the needs we have.  We love for people to raise their hand and step forward to be part of something bigger than themselves.  None of these volunteer tasks are accomplished alone, we expect to help each other do this as a team, and everyone is supported, guided, and backed up by other experienced volunteers and UPBC Board Members.  We love new people! 

Please fill out our volunteer interest survey at this link and consider how you can help. Click here to submit

Two immediate needs we want to address are Section Parents and Chaperones for the upcoming year.  Descriptions for these roles are shown on the survey, and if you have any questions, please let us know. Section Parent applications are due June 30, because we want to go into our summer rehearsals ready, so please sign up now! 

Please consider investing your time as a volunteer, and let us know if you have any questions.  And thank you for everything you do for the Union Bands program.


Check our the exciting new Fundly Campaign for Macy*s!

Fundly will show your fundraising progress on Social Media and has a great online presence for friends/family who might otherwise not take the time to donate. Find out how to use these powerful resources for your student’s fundraising HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • World’s Finest Chocolate - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Beef Jerky - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Shop with Scrips

  • Print Happy


Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.


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The following events require lots of parent support and volunteers. Every family is asked to please work at least one shift per event, so mark your calendars:

Saturday, October 9, 2021 - Union Bands hosts the 38th Annual Renegade Review Marching Competition (more info HERE)

Saturday, March 5, 2022 - Union Guard hosts the WGI Tulsa Color Guard Regional

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Important Student Accounts Information

Please log in to CHARMS and check your financial statement. Macy's/RR Participants: January-June Macy's fees should be fully paid at this time. If you you have a past due balance we must receive your payment ASAP. If you have questions about your student’s account, please visit unionbands.com/student-accounts or email studentaccounts@unionbands.com.

Macy’s Payment Due

The next Macy's Fee is Due By July 15.

Weekly Beat High School Edition June 15th

U.D.L. Supports Make-A-Wish Event:

Members of the Union H.S. Drumline participated in a Make-A-Wish event for Benjamin, held at Union Tuttle Stadium and sponsored by Crossland Construction on Thursday, June 3, 2021. Watch what happened here!


Mark your calendars:

Resource night is Thursday, June 17 from 6-7 pm in the UCA Lobby (North parking lot of the high school). For details, please see the website at: rmd.me/xyPeS08sKNS

Check ALL tabs on thE sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.


Check our the exciting new Fundly Campaign for Macy*s!

Fundly will show your fundraising progress on Social Media and has a great online presence for friends/family who might otherwise not take the time to donate. Find out how to use these powerful resources for your student’s fundraising HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • World’s Finest Chocolate - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Beef Jerky - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Shop with Scrips

  • Print Happy


Important Student Accounts Information

Please log in to CHARMS and check your financial statement. Macy's/RR Participants: January-May Macy's fees should be fully paid at this time. If you you have a past due balance we must receive your payment ASAP.

Macy’s Payment Due

The next Macy's Fee is Due By June 15.


If you’re not subscribed to 5 or 6 REMIND groups for various band things, YOU’RE MISSING OUT! Get information about all of the REMIND groups and subscribe here!

Parents and Students, enjoy your breaks this summer, but please stay in touch with your teams, groups and sections. Lots of work goes on over the summer as we get better and get ready for a competitive marching season. Please watch your emails, texts, REMINDs, and GroupMe messages for important information. Subsectionals are already going on for some instrument groups and Guard Rehearsals start next week. Our student leaders are relentless in their desire to make us the best we can be. Let’s support them in every way we can.

Weekly Beat High School Edition June 7th




MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021

9:00 AM 4:00 PM

Find details on a variety of summer camps, including:

  • Tulsa Low Brass Camp (June 1 - 4)

  • Bassoon Bonanza (June 7 - 11)

  • Oklahoma Arts Institute

  • Interlochen

Details at https://www.unionbands.com/summercamps

Check out these Great Percussion Camps

Parents and Students, enjoy your breaks this summer, but please stay in touch with your teams, groups and sections. Lots of work goes on over the summer as we get better and get ready for a competitive marching season. Please watch your emails, texts, REMINDs, and GroupMe messages for important information. Subsectionals are already going on for some instrument groups and Guard Rehearsals start next week. Our student leaders are relentless in their desire to make us the best we can be. Let’s support them in every way we can.

Check ALL tabs on thE sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field, like the next Drillers game on June 8th. Details HERE.


Congratulations to our 2021 Renegade Regiment Student Leadership & Service Team (roster below). Thank you to all students who applied; we appreciate your participation in this process and we thank you for your dedication to the Union H.S. Renegade Regiment.

Destiny Reyes - Lead
Kyler Crissinger - Associate
Micah Sorrels
- Associate
Markenna Simms
- Assistant
Zane Roy
- Assistant

FLUTE Section Leaders
Annelise Huynh - Lead
Jayden Brewer
- Assistant

CLARINET Section Leaders
Emma Seay - Lead
Michael Drew
- Associate
Isabel Orrison
- Assistant

BASS CLARINET Section Leader
Ashlyn Ludwig

SAXOPHONES Section Leader
Dylan Sneed

TRUMPET Section Leaders
Kaleb Weatherford
– Lead
Dylan Cousins
– Assistant

MELLOPHONE Section Leaders
Shaun Riggins
– Lead
Kevin Breecher - Assistant

EUPHONIUM Section Leaders
Sean Tonquest
- Lead
Belal Hossain -

SOUSAPHONE Section Leader
Payton Jarrett

COLOR GUARD Section Leaders
Madeline Do
– Lead
Kyley Campbell – Assistant
Nina Hoang - Assistant

Nick Bremer – Lead
Caleb Barrows – Associate
Matthew Kanter – Assistant

Caris Fore – Lead
Owen Geier– Associate
Mikayla Riddle – Assistant

Haylee Christopher
Rian Donaldson
Edie Geier
Faith Geren
Jack Hall
Cierra Irving -
Jenaya Monroe
Adrianna Mysse
Lilian Nguyen
Dustin Pham
Austin Titsworth
Adin Whitley

Destiny Reyes
Annelise Huynh
Shaun Riggins
Madeline Do
Nick Bremer

Check our the exciting new Fundly Campaign for Macy*s!

Fundly will show your fundraising progress on Social Media and has a great online presence for friends/family who might otherwise not take the time to donate. Find out how to use these powerful resources for your student’s fundraising HERE.

Current Individual Fundraisers

More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE

  • World’s Finest Chocolate - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Beef Jerky - Now Available for In School Pickup

  • Shop with Scrips

  • Print Happy

OneOK Field Concessions

Come work the concession stand at OneOK field for a Drillers, FC Soccer, or other community events and earn money for your student’s band/guard account! Find more details HERE.

Important Student Accounts Information

Please log in to CHARMS and check your financial statement. Macy's/RR Participants: January-May Macy's fees should be fully paid at this time. If you you have a past due balance we must receive your payment ASAP.

Macy’s Payment Due

The next Macy's Fee is Due By June 15.

If you’re not subscribed to 5 or 6 REMIND groups for various band things, YOU’RE MISSING OUT! Get information about all of the REMIND groups and subscribe here!

JUNE 4, 2021



Every few years, the Union Band Parents Club, Inc. Board of Directors reviews and proposes changes to the Bylaws. Our committee this year identified appropriate changes to this important corporation document. These changes have been approved by the Board of Directors and now must be approved by the General Membership. We will do this at the Meet the Regiment Debut Performance and Picnic on August 12, 2021. Please review the changes HERE.

Questions can be directed to Marjorie Hall, UBPC President.