UBPC Board of Directors Nomination Info
The Union Band Parents Club is seeking qualified nominees for Board of Directors positions for 2021-2022. Please note that nominees for any Board position:
Must have been a UBPC member in good standing for at least one year prior
Must pass a background check.
Must apply and undergo a vetting process.
Must be a parent/guardian/or family member of a currently enrolled Union Band member
The nomination committee consists of Becky Cotney, Daniel McClain, Jennifer McMahon, Molly Myers, Jamie Weatherford and Charles Pisarra. If you are interested in any of these positions, please fill out an inquiry here. Applications are due by Monday, March 1st, 2021. Thank you for your swift response.
You will be contacted by a member of the nominating committee to further discuss your interests. You may also email volunteer@unionbands.com if you have questions.
All positions can be applied for, but the following positions do not currently have any applicants:
Concessions Director
Concessions Treasurer
Drillers Coordinator
Executive Team: Chief Operating Officer
Fundraising Director
Fundraising Treasurer
Hospitality Director
Information Director
Offsite Director
Special Events Co-Coordinator
For a description of vacant positions, please read below. For a description of all UBPC Board Positions, please refer to our Bylaws.
Concessions Director
The responsibilities of the CONCESSION DIRECTOR(s) shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To manage operations and maintain an inventory of items for resale at the concession stand.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Concessions Treasurer
The responsibilities of the CONCESSION TREASURER shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To serve as the treasurer for all financial transactions related to Concessions.
To manage operations and maintain an inventory of items for resale at the concession stand.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Drillers Coordinator
The responsibilities of the office of DRILLERS COORDINATOR shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To be the primary liaison between the Board of Directors and OneOK Personnel which provide fundraising work opportunities.
To coordinate work schedules for Drillers/OneOK Field work events.
To be a member of the Fundraising Committee.
To coordinate with the Treasurer(s) to ensure payments are distributed accurately to student accounts for those individuals who worked each scheduled event.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Executive Team: Chief Operating Officer
The responsibilities of the office of Chief Operating Officer shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To assume the duties of President in the absence of both the President and the Vice President.
To manage the travel of the Union Band Parents Club
To manage the logistics of the Union Band Parents Club.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Fundraising Director
The responsibilities of the office of FUNDRAISING DIRECTOR shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To continually seek out and present all fund-raising ideas to the Board of Directors.
To manage all fund-raising programs approved by the Board of Directors.
To select members for fund raising committees, upon consultation with the President.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Fundraising Treasurer
The responsibilities of the office of FUNDRAISING TREASURER shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To serve as the treasurer for all fundraising activities of the organization.
To maintain accurate student account fundraising ledgers.
To assist the Fundraising Director in providing fundraising activities.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Hospitality Director
The responsibilities of the office of HOSPITALITY shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To coordinate and manage all hospitality venues for events held for and by the Union Bands and/or the Union Band Parents Club Inc.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Information Director
The responsibilities of the office of INFORMATION DIRECTOR shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To attend to advertising for all activities sponsored or approved by the Board of Directors.
To communicate with all communications media to publicize activities and accomplishments of student participants in the Union Band Program.
To coordinate the Union Bands website.
To organize, edit and post the Union Band Parents Club, Inc. newsletter on the website.
To oversee all mass e-mailings for the organization.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Off-Site Coordinator
The responsibilities of the office of OFF-SITE COORDINATOR shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To be the primary liaison between the Board of Directors and off-site entities which provide fundraising work opportunities.
To coordinate work schedules for off-site work events.
To be a member of the Fundraising Committee.
To coordinate with the Treasurer(s) to ensure off-site payments are distributed accurately to student accounts for those individuals who worked each scheduled event.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.
Special Events Co-Coordinator
The responsibilities of the office of SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR shall be, but not limited to, the following:
To coordinate and organize all aspects of the annual Fall Renegade Review and other fall marching contests as required.
To coordinate and organize all aspects of the annual spring Winter Guard competitions hosted by UBPC.
To coordinate and organize all aspects of any solo/ensemble contest hosted by Union Bands.
To select members for committee chairs, upon consultation with the President.
To perform all other duties as are indicative of the office.