Sedan Flowers
Sales Period
February 14 - March 4, 2025
Available Products
Sun / Part Shade Plants $27.00/Flat
Shade Plants $27.00/Flat
11” Hanging Baskets $27.00/ each
4.5” pots $7.00/each
Patio Pots $32.00/each
Turning in Orders
Please follow all instructions listed below for turning in orders and payment!
How to turn in orders:
Please keep your order forms for your records. DO NOT turn in your order form(s) to UBPC!!!
UBPC needs your total count for each item submitted ONLINE BY NOON on March 3rd. Order link provided approximately 48 hours before orders are due.
Tally the number of each item sold by type & total amount due. If you receive additional orders after your original submittal, please resubmit the entire order with the additions.
Dates/Time/Location to turn in payments are NOT posted online. Details will be communicated via UBPC Fundraising methods.
We apologize that we cannot accept credit card payments for fundraisers.
How to prepare BEFORE arriving to turn in Payment:
Payment is Due on March 5th at the High School. Details will be communicated via UBPC Fundraising methods.
Your order will be CANCELED if payment is not made on the required date.
Verify that all checks are made out to UBPC or Union Band Parent Club.
Put your student’s first & last name on the memo line of all checks you receive.
Separate checks from cash and organize cash with like bills together.
If the check is made out to you, you will need to write a check to UBPC or turn in cash.
If possible UBPC prefers ONE check for your students sales $ total.
Please seal all cash & checks in an envelope marked with "Sedan Flowers", Student’s First & Last Name, Grade, Seller/Contact Name, phone number, and sales $ total.
Estimated Profit Margins
Exact profits calculated by subtracting the wholesale cost of items ordered plus sales tax (what B&G charges UBPC) from the total sale price for each student. Sedan Flowers offers a 50% profit margin.