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Senior Night 2020

On Friday, October 23, 2020 Senior band and guard students will be recognized during the HALFTIME portion of the Union H.S. Varsity home football game at Union Tuttle Stadium.

The recognition will take place at approximately 8:15pm. Families should plan to arrive by 7:30pm to prepare for the event.

• Senior band families will meet and line up in alphabetical order (by senior student's last name) at 7:30pm outside the Union H.S. Bus Loop Lobby (the tall glass-walled building along the east face of Union H.S.).

• Please note that a face covering is required to attend this event and must be worn at all times while inside the school building and while on the stadium field. The face covering may be removed during your family’s group photo, but must be worn onto and off of the field..

• Each senior/family will be assigned a specific location to be occupied during the pregame recognition. A map of the assigned locations as well as a field pass will be issued to each family prior to entering the stadium.

• Senior students will be dismissed from the bleachers shortly before halftime to join their families in line.

• Students will not need a shako nor instrument for the field recognition.

• Each senior's name will be announced over the loudspeaker, along with the names of up to two escorts. Seniors may be accompanied by more than two people (i.e. mother, father, and siblings) but only the names of the senior and up to two of the will be announced aloud. Submit student name and escort(s) names to be read aloud. (Deadline: Tuesday, Oct 20, 11:00pm).

• Before entering the field, Seniors will each be given a rose to carry. When the student's name is announced, traditionally the student hands the rose to their mother or another special loved one.  

• At the conclusion of the band/guard recognition, all seniors and family members will turn 90 degrees to the left and proceed out of the stadium, exiting at the northwest gate. Winds and Percussion Seniors will then get instruments and proceed back into the stadium for the game.

While on the field, our designated band photographer will snap a quick picture, so please squeeze together, look forward and smile!  Pictures will be available for free download at


• Following the conclusion of the football game, all Union Bands Seniors and their families are invited to a reception in the UHS UPAC/Gym Lobby to mingle, take additional family and student group photos, and enjoy refreshments.

• Please note that a face covering is required to attend this event and must be worn at all times while inside the school building.

• Family and friends should plan to park in the UHS South Parking Lot (south of the school building and west of the stadium/UMAC) and enter the building through the UHS South Entry.

• Students will remain in uniform for this reception.

• Suggested attire for family members or others joining for this event is business casual or nicer. 


  • A specially-printed pass will be issued to each family participating in the senior recognition. This pass grants access to the northwest stadium field level gate, and is valid for field level access only, during the Halftime recognition ceremony only.

  • Those wishing to attend the game, if not serving in a credentialed volunteer capacity, must purchase a game ticket .  A limited number of reserved tickets remain for sale. These tickets are $15.00 and will go on sale in person at the UMAC ticket booth on Tuesday, October 20 at 4:00 PM.