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UHS Band & Guard Hallway Decorating

I am so happy to be in band-mode!  How about You?  

We are planning to decorate the Band Hall and Guard Hall on Wednesday Evening the 14th between 5pm to 9pm.

This is during Fall break but the Students will get to see it before the game on Thursday Evening and it will remain up through that following week of October 22nd and 23rd - Family Night and Football Game. 

We will have paper and paint to create posters/banners that night or make your own posters and banners ahead of time to bring. We want to make sure that each section knows we love them and are proud of them. All are Regiment this year and what a crazy year this is. Lets let them know the 2020/2021 Regiment is Strong and Proud! 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.  

Angela Davis
UPBC Guard Liaison and Events Coordinator
