Weekly Beat | High School Edition | December 10th


→ Mon Dec 13 — 7-8:30pm - Union 7th Grade Bands in Concert, UPAC

→ Thur Dec 16 - 7pm - UHS Color Guard Holiday Showcase


Thank you for attending out first concert of the 2021-22 School Year on Monday, December 6. Our students and teachers appreciate your support.

During the holidays some of us engage in something of a pilgrimage home; a wayfaring back to our roots and to where we once spent a great deal of time.

This time of year, many of us love returning home; the sights, the smells, the food. Most of all, the opportunity to connect fading memories to real places, people, and things. When possible, many relish the opportunity to visit the old neighborhood, see the old home, and visit loved ones.

Yes, for many of us, a visit our childhood home is nostalgic. The people living there now might be different and the front yard might have changed, but even decades later, its purpose remains unchanged: to serve as a safe place of refuge and harbinger of hopes and dreams.

In high school, music rooms serve a similar purpose. They are more than a rehearsal space. They serve as a refuge, home base, hangout, and secondary cafeteria to our students. Our musical sanctuaries serve as a remembrance of the past, connection to the present, and launch pad for the future. They serve as a place to survive the growing pains of high school and safe harbor from the occasional storm of adolescence. They serve as a place to not only succeed and fail, but to take risks and be challenged. For the band teachers, we know that our own high school band rooms did this for us as during our student-years, and we know that it is doing the same for your child.

This sense of a place of community and belonging is why we teach. This “place” is what we remember, not just about our homes during our high school years, but the home are attempting to create for our students right now.

Yes, we work hard and make some incredible music. But in the end, we suspect that those memories will fade far quicker than those related to laughter, joy, and the feeling that there was a safe place where your child can rise, fall, and be cared for regardless of the outcome.

The inhabitants of our building may change from period to period, day to day, and year to year, but like my home, its purpose remains the same: to be somebody’s safe space and memory keeper. 

So as we approach the December holidays, let us say that we are thankful that you trust us with your child each and every day. Given all that we have been through, home matters now more than ever. 

Wishing you and yours Season’s Greetings,

Your Union Bands Faculty

Anticipated Fundraising Availability:

Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (Sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm WEDNESDAYS.

Chocolate and Beef Sticks will also be available for checkout on the evening we distribute the Heavenly Dips fundraiser product. (location, date, and time announced via REMIND) This will be the last fundraising availability until school begins again in January.

*Sign up for our REMIND for delivery information. Text @ubpc-fundr to 81010

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