Weekly Beat | Middle School Edition | December


→ Tues Dec 7 — 7-8:30pm - Union 8th Grade Bands Concert, UPAC

→ Thur Dec 9 — 6:30pm and 7:30pm - Union 6th Grade Band Class Performances, 6th and 7th Center

→ Mon Dec 13 — 7-8:30pm - Union 7th Grade Bands in Concert, UPAC


On Thursday, December 9, your child will have his/her first ever performance on their instrument — congratulations!

 We know what you are thinking… “Are you sure they are ready? Because some of the sounds I’m hearing at home don’t quite seem performance-ready!” Please rest assured that they are ready and EXCITED to perform for you and share what they have learned. As you mark this moment in their educational development, we hope that you will CELEBRATE it with your child. Make a big deal out of it and tell the world how proud you are that they are learning an instrument.

 This first concert is a snapshot of their growth, much like when parents make a notch in the doorframe to mark their child’s height. Without these “sharing moments”, their growth as musicians would pass unremarked, so this is a BIG deal. You may even want to consider asking them to do a private concert for you at home as a practice run!

 We hope you will cherish this moment in time, as the beginning of a wonderful adventure of growth and exploration. In many ways, your child’s progress in music will mirror their maturation as an individual. Studying music will foster self-confidence, goal setting, problem-solving skills, and perseverance. As they become better musicians, they in turn will become better people.

 You and your child have begun a wonderful journey, and we look forward to supporting you in the coming months and years. Celebrate this moment!

See you on the evening of Thursday, December 9!

Your Union Bands Faculty


 The Union 8th Grade Band did a terrific job at the High School Football Game on October 29. And we look forward to upcoming performances: 8th Grade Concert on Tues. Dec. 7, 7:00pm at the UPAC, and the 7th Grade Concert on Mon. Dec. 13, 7:00pm at the UPAC!

We’d be lying if I told you that we’ve never had this conversation with a parent:
“My child enjoys music, but they just aren’t passionate about it, so we are going to explore other interests…”

At first pass, this may seem like a logical thought process. But somewhere recently we read that passion develops as a result of time and mastery and that takes more than just one year. While it may seem like they’ve been playing their instruments for quite a while, in the grand scheme of things, they are still young and developing musicians. You wouldn’t take this same approach with math, science, or history.

To be passionate means to have found success, and being successful in music takes time. In today’s “I need it now” world, music is a test of patience and tenacity that will yield great dividends to those who see it through.

Many students who showed marginal success as beginners blossom into highly skilled musicians after time. We’ve even had a few disinterested musicians tell us that they want to pursue a career in music. Their enjoyment and passion grew into something more over time.

We fully understand, accept, and embrace the fact that most of these children will not pursue music as a profession in the same way that most math students will not be mathematicians, most science students will not become scientists, and most history students will not become historians.

 For many students, the pandemic slowed their progress and made learning an instrument even more challenging than it already is. Now is the time to double-down and show them that we are proud of them for sticking with it. After all, if you can learn an instrument in a pandemic, you can do anything!

And, it’s not just about learning to play an instrument.

We pursue music to develop our brains. We pursue music to appreciate beauty. We pursue music to appreciate a challenge and learn to overcome obstacles. But most of all, we pursue music to be human. And that is the one thing we know ALL students will be: human.

Sincerely and with best wishes for a wonderful holiday season,

 Your Union Bands Faculty


The concert will be at the Union High School Performing Arts Center (UPAC) on Monday, December 13th, at 7:00pm. The students will need to arrive before 6:30pm. Please park in the south parking lot of the high school. Everyone will enter through the South Entrance of the High School. This is a required concert for all 7th grade band students, and they are required to stay for the whole concert. The concert is free to everyone. Feel free to invite family and friends to the concert!

The students are required to have an all black concert attire. By now most everyone should have acquired this all black concert attire. If you have not, please try to find time this week to purchase the black attire. 


  • Black dress pants

  • Long-sleeved black dress shirt (3/4 sleeves are acceptable) 

  • Closed-toe black dress shoes with TALL black socks


- Black dress pants

- Long-sleeve black dress shirt

- Black belt (optional, but if wearing belt, it needs to be black)

- Black dress shoes and TALL black socks

*No bare arms above the elbow or bare legs are allowed

Please click on the link below to fill out a form to have contact information updated. 


If you have any questions, please contact me at gomez.adrian@unionps.org or 918-357-8097.

Thank you so much for your support of this concert! We look forward to seeing you at the concert. 

God Bless,

Adrian Gomez

7th Grade Band Coordinator

Anticipated Fundraising Availability

  • Chocolate and Beef Sticks are available for in-class pickup at the 6/7th and 8th Grade Centers on Thursdays (Sometimes Fridays at the director's discretion) when ordered by 3pm WEDNESDAYS.

  • Sign up for our REMIND for fundraiser delivery information. Text @ubpc-fundr to 81010

  • Our next feature fundraiser is Wreaths & Poinsettias. Look for information next week!


Check out our website for all sorts of important information and available resources for the budding musician.

Here you can find vital information from your directors, class information, places on where you purchase band supplies, and much more.

class reminder

Parents - please help remind your student every day to bring:

  • band instrument

  • binder with music

  • pencil

stay connected using Union band parents club remind subscriptions

Text @ubpc-fundr  to  81010

Text @ubpc-drill  to  81010

Text @ubpc-osite  to  81010

Text @ubpc-conc  to  81010

Text @ubpcmerch to  81010

Text @ubpc-board  to  81010

DRILLERS/ROUGHNECKS WORKERS earn money towards thier band accounts!

School has started is in full swing and we need workers at the Drillers and Roughnecks games at OneOK Field. We need cashiers and student runners for our Dippin’ Dots stand that is typically run by our students! We could definitely use everyone’s help as the Drillers and Roughnecks season continues through to October. SIGN UP HERE.


Check ALL tabs on the sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field TO FIND THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO WORK. Details HERE.