Rehearsals this Week For 8th Graders (Rising Freshmen), Participating in 2021 Renegade Regiment / Macy’s Parade
TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021
4:30 PM 7:30 PM (Note: A Shuttle Bus from the 8th Grade Center will take Students to the High School)
9:00 AM 1:00 PM
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021
9:00 AM 1:00 PM
The month of May is a time when many families begin to look toward the upcoming school year and the rewards and challenges it will bring. As you consider your child’s future, we want to share a few thoughts about continuing in music.
Music provides a safe place
Change can be challenging, and the transition to high school can be daunting for any student. Continued participation in music can give your child a foothold in a safe, secure place from which to explore this new experience. Music can be the anchor that holds them steady among the waves of change coming their way.
Music provides new experiences
But why just do the same thing? Shouldn’t they explore new things? Make no mistake: continuing to study music will be an evolution, opening new vistas in their growth as a young musician. Your child will have opportunities to apply their musical knowledge and skills in new ways, and to deepen their understanding in a broad range of opportunities to match their interests.
Music provides good role models
We all know the impact peer pressure can have on a student. It can lead your child to make decisions that they might not otherwise make. Everything we know about participation in music says that students involved in music are more successful in every possible way, academically, personally, and socially. By participating in music, you are providing your child with the type of role models that will reinforce good decision making.
Participate their way
The great thing about being a musician in is the high degree of choice in how your child participates. Music can be “the” thing, or “a” thing. As they grow and change, so can their choice. We will always work with your child to find the right balance all while reaping the benefits of studying music.
Navigating this year has been tricky at best, and at times we all found it overwhelming. But, we are getting close to our new-normal and we want to ensure that music is a part of this for your child.
Please know we are invested in your child’s welfare, and welcome the opportunity to provide assistance for you and your child in the transition. Please feel free to reach out at any point in the process.
Your Union Bands Faculty
Sign up to work Concessions at the Memorial Day Remember and Rise Event, Headlined by John Legend. Details HERE.
Check the other tabs on the same sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field, like the next Drillers game on June 8th. Details HERE.
This free camp is designed and required for incoming 7th graders switching to color instruments.
Mon-Thurs, June 7-10
9:00a-12:00, daily
Find details on a variety of summer camps, including:
Tulsa Low Brass Camp (June 1 - 4)
Bassoon Bonanza (June 7 - 11)
Oklahoma Arts Institute
Details at
Check out these great summer percussion camps:
Check our the exciting new Fundly Campaign.
Fundly will show your fundraising progress on Social Media and has a great online presence for friends/family who might otherwise not take the time to donate. Find out how to use these powerful resources for your student’s fundraising HERE.
Current Individual Fundraisers
More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE
World’s Finest Chocolate - Now Available for In School Pickup
Beef Jerky - Now Available for In School Pickup
Shop with Scrips
Print Happy
OneOK Field Concessions
Come work the concession stand at OneOK field for a Drillers, FC Soccer, or Bedlam Baseball Event in the first half of May and earn money for your student’s band/guard account! Find more details HERE.
Important Student Account Information
Fundraising and Student Account Treasurers will be available from 7:30-8:00 in the High School bus loop to accept payments and distribute beef sticks and chocolate (no preorder necessary). Please log in to CHARMS TODAY and check your financial statement. If you have a balance due please pay by Tuesday.
*8th Grade Macy's/RR Participants: January-May Macy's fees should be fully paid at this time. If you you have a past due balance we must receive your payment by Tuesday.
Login to Charms
It’s a great time of year to login to Charms and make sure your information is all up to date!
Macy’s Payment Due
The next Macy's Fee is Due By June 15. Please log into CHARMS and check your account balance.
Learn more about how to sign up for important Remind messages here!