The Union Varsity Winter Guard’s 2025 competitive season is off to a terrific start with its program “L’arena”, earning strong scores at local circuit events in February, as well as a Finalist appearance and a 5th Place finish (of 35+ competitors) at the WGI Tulsa Regional Championship Event on March 8. The ensemble’s season continues on Sat-Sun March 22-23 in Dallas (TX) at the WGI Southwest Power Regional Championship.
Indoor Percussion & Winter Guard Pancake Breakfast
2022-2023 Winter Guard Update
Hello, Guard Members!
We are approaching our first official week of the winter guard season.
If you are in color/winter guard class, you know whether you are on the JV team or the Varsity team.
If you are new to color guard and did not march this past Fall Season, you are with our JV team.
*New members are still allowed to join the JV team, up until 12/6.
If you have ANY questions about which team you are on, just reply back to me!
Junior Varisty - (11/30) Wednesday 4-6 PM @ Union High School in BR 3
Varsity - (12/1) Thursday 6-9 PM @ UMAC
Varsity - (12/3, 12/4) Saturday 9-9 PM UMAC or HS Gym, Sunday 9-5 PM HS Gym
You can find the full calendar here:
Be sure to be at these first rehearsals. It's where we lock things in and know who is committed to being on the team.
Water/Water Jug or Bottle
Dancewear. Spandex shorts or leggings or sweatpants. Be sure that all loose shorts have tights, leggings, or spandex shorts underneath. Form fitting top (that will stay put when you do handstands, etc.). Sneakers - we will continue wearing sneakers when spinning equipment!
Feel free to wear layers - stack sweats, pants, sweaters, hoodies, etc. on top of your dancewear so you're warm in the winter season, but can easily remove the layers.Hair pulled back out of the face
Snacks, for energy, in your bag - if you want!
Electrical Tape (black and white) - have a roll in your duffle at all times, in case you need to fix any of your equipment during rehearsal.
Gloves - WE WILL ORDER YOU A NEW PAIR FOR THE WINTER! We will take these measurements at the first rehearsal.
All of your equipment
Of course, feel free to add additional things to your practice bag...deodorant, scissors, hairties, etc. Anything that you think you may need!
Most communication will happen through Charms/Email - what you're receiving right now. We will send out weekly emails during the competition months with show schedule and plan.
Fundraising, volunteer needs, important information will come through Charms/Email.
GroupMe will be used for quick communication.
Members - we will set up your Winter Guard Team GroupMes at the first rehearsal this week.
Email me if you have any questions:
Excited to start the winter season with you all!