UHS Bands News: May 13, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

UBPC General Membership Meeting Recap
It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at our May meeting (Tues. May 12), with a chance to hear from Marjorie Hall a recap of all the details, and taking time to gratefully celebrate our amazing Board of Directors, especially those who are graduating. Thank you to everyone who participated. 

Distance Learning Wrap-up

Thank you to students, parents, and teachers who have so vigorously supported Union's Distance Learning plan the past 6 weeks. This is obviously not the ending to any school year that we'd ever want or have ever envisioned, but collectively we have made the best of it. 

Senior Check-in of District-owned Uniforms & Instruments
Thank you to Seniors who responded to our Turn-in Event on Wednesday, May 13. Special thanks to volunteers Molly and Jason Myers for their sacrifice of time to direct this effort! Seniors who were not about to make the event need to be in contact with their Band teacher to make alternate arrangements to return uniforms and instruments, in the event that a make-up date for a returns event is not scheduled. Student cooperation in completing this task will aide greatly in expediting the release of senior transcripts following graduation. Please note that check-in of items is for Seniors only; students returning next school year will keep their concert uniforms and instruments at home until further notice.

Inventory Procedure for Students Returning in 2020-21

Each year in May we undergo an inventory-control process during which students returning for the next school year who have an issued district-owned instrument checked out return the instrument to school for a brief inspection by a band teacher. At this time, within our inventory-control software we 'check in' the instrument and then immediately 'check out' the instrument to the student accordingly. This process is known as 'check-through'. Without the ability to complete this process in-person at the campuses, this year we ask that students complete this process virtually, using our web-based check-through system. Students may do this at their convenience, but we request completion of the process by the end of MayClick here to complete your instrument check-through. 

Other Student Items Still on Campus

We do not yet have any new information to share on exactly when students will be able to request retrieval of personal items from the campus, but we will share this information as soon as it becomes available. 

Annual UHS Bands & Guard Awards Ceremony 

Despite an unusual and disappointing end to the school year, we still have much to celebrate about an incredible 2019-20! Please join us on Thursday, May 28 at 7:00pm for a virtual Awards Ceremony (Zoom-based and on Facebook Live), as we recognize our most-accomplished students, celebrate our graduating seniors, and enjoy the annual video 'retrospective'. We have fun things planned for this event, so please stay tuned for more info in the weeks ahead!

Concert Band Auditions for 2020-21

Student auditions for placement into one of five Union H.S. concert band ensembles will take place during the first few weeks of the new school year (August). Specific audition materials will be available on our website in the weeks to come, allowing students ample time to prepare for the audition. 

Renegade Regiment News

• 2020 RR 'Town Hall' Meeting: TONIGHT (Thursday, May 14) at 7:00pm via Zoom.   PLEASE JOIN US FOR LOTS OF INFO, including what students can expect in this new Covid-world regarding equipment, auditions, training, rehearsals, the season schedule, and much more. We'll also briefly discuss the Macy's Trip. Link and password will be posted in Canvas and sent via email by 5:00pm on Thursday.

• Physical Exams are required for all RR students as well as any student performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Click here for all the details.

• Student Leadership: Applications are now being accepted for the 2020-21 Union H.S Band/Guard Student Leadership Team, and are due by 10:00am next Wednesday, May 20. Click here to apply.

• Instrument Pick-Up: winds and percussion students needing to pick up instruments from campus will be scheduled to do so starting as early as next week. Dates and times will be communicated ASAP. 

Farewell to Ms. French Please join us in congratulating Mary Ann French on her retirement from Union Public Schools! We are so fortunate to have had Ms. French spend the final four years of her teaching career at Union. Students and staff alike have gleaned so much from Ms. French's sage wisdom as musician and teacher. Having previously taught in Arkansas, Texas, and Washington DC as well as Oklahoma, she is known all over the region for her legendary skills in teaching flute players and producing fine bands. She is irreplaceable and will be missed dearly. Please reach out to Ms. French to send congratulations and appreciation!